Joining the community

We are testing appetite for an online community where workers eager to make a change at their companies can connect, share tips and take action. If that sounds of interest sign up here and once we have a reasonable number of members we’ll email you a link to join.

Why join?

  • Give and receive tips with other workers about what works in changing an organisation from within
  • Learn more about the issues and solutions relevant to your industry
  • Contribute content for the Honest Work website
  • Meet other people passionate about being the change they want to see in the world
  • Potentially connect with other workers at your company who are also passionate about making a change, and start planning together!

Who can join?

We’re open to all workers who are passionate about making the world a better place. Though to ensure workers feel able to talk freely, we will generally exclude anyone in a management or human resources role, journalists seeking to do reporting on other workers, and those seeking to promote products or services to other members.

Members will be allowed to remain anonymous on the platform, but we will seek to validate you meet the above requirements during registration. Fair enough?